N.Shepelevich, Medical Doctor, Switzerland
Eva.J Cream N°3 is effective to moisturise and calm any skin. I saw particularly visible results with adult clients presenting acne or large pores. For an anti-aging I would recommend Vitamin C Skin Perfector.
E.Nasca, cusomer US
My skin was extremely dry from traveling and as soon as I used the Pampering Scrub my skin immediately felt revitalized, it was the perfect texture for a scrub as my face is usually sensitive to any type of exfoliation, but this was perfect for my skin. The skin felt already much smoother just after using it once. I fell asleep with a layer of the Vitamin C Skin Perfector and woke up to smooth and radiant skin. My colleagues even mentioned to me in the morning about how much brighter my skin seemed as I was suffering from flaky and dry skin all week. The two products together worked amazing and also the smell of the Vitamin C cream was very pleasant, I also love that this is a natural product!”
Carol Missen, Australia
Hi Eva. I recently purchased your Face Cream No 3 and Sensitive Eye Reviver. I am absolutely LOVING them both !! While they are a little more expensive than some other creams, I can't believe how little I need to get full coverage - I have literally had to retrain myself to only use one shot so I don't waste any. I could see the difference the Eye Lift made when testing on my hand so just love the way it looks on my face. Can't wait to try some more of your products !!
Customers, Switzerland
Comments regarding the Face Pampering Scrub « Le teint a changé immédiatement, j’ai beaucoup aimé ce produit. »
« La peau est plus douce après la 1ère application ! Pourtant, elle est bien néttoyée et les pores sont raffermis »
A comment regarding the face serum Precious Scents and Colours for Face. Fragile Capillaries: « La peau est plus lisse et plus radieuse et l’huile donne la sensation de la relaxation. »
Customers, Russia
A comment regarding acne treatment with an individualized range of Eva.J products. "Пишу сказать, что кожа чувствует себя хорошо.То место, где было много акне, почти зажило, в остальном кожа чистая. Спасибо вам большое! »
1 commentaire
J’utilise les produits EvaJ depuis août 2016, notamment la Crème Visage Perfection à la Vitamine C, le Sérum pour les Yeux et le Masque à la Vitamine C. J’adore la texture et les fines senteurs de ces produits naturels et très performants et j’en suis enchantée. J’aime bien en avoir en réserve pour ne pas en manquer.